Andi Hardesty
Andi Hardesty is a queer, multi-genre sci-fi and fantasy author hailing from the Ohio River Valley of West Virginia. With experience in script writing, voice acting, and prose, they have a growing portfolio of projects to enjoy. Andi currently resides in West Virginia where they pen tales of both the mundane and the magical.
Upcoming Releases
The Phoenix: Invoked
"I was a child!"
"No, Ha'zai. You were always a soldier."
Born into war, Ha'zai Maaik has known nothing but violence since he took his first breath.
​A child caught between the warring people of Naera and human colonists from Earth, Ha'zai has never known a home amongst either race. When he is pulled from the ashes of a raid at only thirteen years old, he quickly becomes the face of a revolution.
What does a phoenix do when it is desperate to live, but destined to burn?