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Andi Hardesty

Andi Hardesty is a queer, multi-genre sci-fi and fantasy author hailing from the Ohio River Valley of West Virginia. With experience in script writing, voice acting, and prose, they have a growing portfolio of projects to enjoy. Andi currently resides in West Virginia where they pen tales of both the mundane and the magical. 

red space background stars and nebula realistic.jpg
black and white image of person wearing glasses with short, light colored hair, and a suit and bowtie.

Upcoming Releases

The Phoenix: Invoked


"I was a child!" 

"No, Ha'zai. You were always a soldier." 


Born into war, Ha'zai Maaik has known nothing but violence since he took his first breath.  


​A child caught between the warring people of Naera and human colonists from Earth, Ha'zai has never known a home amongst either race. When he is pulled from the ashes of a raid at only thirteen years old, he quickly becomes the face of a revolution. 


What does a phoenix do when it is desperate to live, but destined to burn? 

Book cover of The Phoenix: Invoked novel with a red logo of a phoenix holding up a ringed planet over a blurred background
image of a person with short dark hair wearing glasses and a black lace shirt

Take a look around!

Settle in, my dear intrepid wanderer, and let me welcome you in to the little paracosm I've cultivated for us.  I look forward to sharing all my work, rambling, and joy with you.

Download my resume below

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